
The workmanship of the developing and piloting

with techniques, media, and color schemes

fascinates me.

In contemplation, I find access

to the unconscious visual language

brings both surprises and new insights.


Atelier in the garden


I am interested in human relationships and basic moods

and how we live in harmony with each other and nature.


Right now I'm working on the following series:


women's lives - with sorrows and joys and the different stages in life. I use the clown qualities and contrasts.


Life on Earth - that examines the encounter between man and nature - the inseparable in how we treat ourselves and the



Correlations - here I work with the Community's paradoxes.


Negative Carbon drawing


Sonja Feldt Pedersen | Fasanvej 10, 9631 Gedsted - Danmark | Tlf.: 5015 9057 |